IMF’s Role in Emerging Markets: Reassessing the Adequacy of its
Resources and Lending Facilities
November 18-19,
De Nederlandsche
Summary of the
Augusto Lopez-Claros
Emerging Market Crises
There was an interesting and lively discussion on emerging market
crises, with particular reference to the risks of contagion, the
role of public/private financial flows, the adequacy of IMF
resources, and the extent to which various “architectural”
innovations (e.g., CACs, codes of conduct) may have played an
important role in mitigating the risks of future financial
meltdowns in vulnerable economies.
Whatever the many causes of emerging market crises, they tend to
be defined by a sharp slowdown or, more likely, a reversal of
capital flows. Often these occur in clusters and we have come to
see these as part of a process of contagion, sometimes reflecting
trade and financial linkages and, often, herding behavior. One
fact to bear in mind is that capital flows to emerging markets in
the 1990s were much higher than in previous decades. Even if we
compare them with the early 1980s, which saw the recycling of
petrodollars, the flows in the 1990s were much larger. Periods of
contagion tend to be asymmetric in their manifestations; that is,
there are more examples of “depression” than euphoria. They also
tend to be clustered around particular regions (e.g., EMS in
1992-93; Mexico in 1994-95; Asia in 1997-98; and Russia/Brazil in
1998-99). When they occur, they tend to hit weakest countries
first and the characteristics that make them most vulnerable are:
overvalued exchange rates, large current account deficits, high
shares of short term debt, low ratios of liquid assets to liquid
liabilities. Periods of contagion also tend to be short-lived.
Without question, high volatility in capital flows in a central
feature of periods of contagion.
Some of the surge in inflows in the past decade clearly reflects
some good things. Improvements in macroeconomic management in
emerging markets—highlighted by Kristin Forbes, Jose Barrionuevo
and others—reflected in better performance, opening of capital
accounts, trade liberalization, a more open attitude toward
privatization, wider choice of assets for investors in domestic
markets, improvements in credit ratings. But also the “search for
higher yield” among private sector players and expectations of
bailouts, a point underscored by Henk Brouwer. Contagion reflects
a number of factors: changes in key economic parameters, such as
world interest rates or commodity prices or key exchange rates,
all of which are beyond the control of emerging countries. Or
trade spillovers (devaluation in Brazil and impact on Argentinian
exports, say), or financial linkages, such as exposure of
Uruguayan banks to Argentinian depositors or, earlier on,
Japanese banks to Thai corporations. Changes in investor
sentiment also play a role. So, some volatility would appear to
be inevitable and an intrinsic component of increased
globalization, even if at times volatility had been excessive.
Less risk of contagion
Nevertheless, there was consensus in Amsterdam that today the
risks of contagion had lessened. Ms Forbes thought that countries
had taken steps to improve their economies. Reserve levels had
risen substantially, making countries less vulnerable to
speculative attacks. The shift to flexible exchange rate regimes
(e.g., Russia, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil, many others) had
certainly helped, with central banks and monetary authorities
recognizing the vulnerabilities associated with fixed pegged
regimes. Erderm Basci
echoed this view, noting that bond spreads in Russia, Turkey and
Argentina had narrowed following the move to more flexible
exchange rate arrangements. Barrionuevo thought that investors
had learned to differentiate among emerging markets and that,
contrary to the 1990s, domestic pension funds had become an
important source of stable funding, particularly in Latin
America. This had led to a shift in the composition of public
debt, with less external and more domestic liabilities.
Reflecting these developments and an overall improvement in the
policy environment, a full 30% of the asset class in emerging
markets was now investment grade, compared to 3% in 1996.
Barrionuevo thought that the main risks to the economic outlook
were now global in nature, including the prospects for
substantially higher US interest rates, US dollar/euro
volatility, and possible disruptions to oil supplies and the
associated higher prices. The first two if these would have, in
his view, large implications for emerging markets. Ariel Buria
agreed with this assessment, noting that the risk of further
dollar weakness could precipitate a move to a much higher
interest rate environment, a weaker US economy, with adverse
effects on those economies highly dependent on exports to the
US—Latin America, China, and others.
Crises prevention
A number of interesting points were made by various speakers on
the subject of crises prevention. Buria thought that asymmetries
in power within the IMF governance structure limited the
effectiveness of the institution in its surveillance function,
which seemed largely confined to borrowing countries. Nouriel
Roubini thought that “the use of the IMF as a slush fund to
support G1 strategic allies seriously undermined the credibility
of the organization.” He noted, in this respect, massive IMF
lending to Turkey, essentially to finance a rollover of the debt,
although the Articles of Agreement indicate that lending is to
take place in support of balance of payments imbalances. Indeed,
in many of the recent packages funding had been for fiscal
purposes, in some cases involving commitments for countries to
have primary surpluses for the next 10 years, suggesting IMF
involvement in these countries for at least that long. Roubini
argued that, in the absence of US “strategic” support to Turkey a
more efficient and perhaps ultimately less costly way to deal
with the crisis might have been to restructure the domestic
debt—same face value but longer maturities.
Buria pointed out to Greece as an interesting case study in
crises prevention. For Greece, EU membership meant that despite
weak fundaments (debt to GDP ratio in excess of 100 percent,
large budget deficits, high inflation) there were no sustained
speculative attacks against the drachma. Speculative attacks
against the French franc in the early 1980s—the “Socialist” start
of former president Mitterrand—were, likewise, largely
ineffective. In both cases the presence of strong institutional
mechanism of support provided these countries with an effective
shield against market speculation. Buria contrasted this
situation with IMF advice which, in essence, tells countries “to
resort to self-insurance, which is costly and inefficient.”
An interesting implication of Buria’s observation’s about the
utility of formal mechanisms of international cooperation is
that, in the absence of such mechanisms emerging markets will
have to continue to rely on an improved policy environment. Chile
is able to tap the international markets at unusually low spreads
partly because its public debt levels have come down from over
100 percent of GDP in 1986 to 12 percent of GDP in 2004. For the
foreseeable future crisis prevention is likely to be very much a
responsibility of emerging countries themselves and their private
creditors. But, central banks and the IMF also have
responsibilities to prevent or contain financial crisis and the
spread of contagion. The rationale for a lender of last resort is
to have an institution that can lend to solvent but illiquid
borrowers when no one else is prepared to do so and in volumes
sufficiently large to end financial panic. The IMF fulfills this
role only partially.
Lessons from Indonesia
Miranda Goeltom gave a thorough overview of key elements of the
Indonesia crisis, providing a useful practical complement to some
of the other interventions. A number of factors were instrumental
in precipitating the crisis, including a weak prudential
environment for the financial sector, un-hedged short-term
borrowing by the corporate sector and, more generally, a
short-term debt overhang. While there was no apparent budget
deficit problem and the current account deficit appeared small
and manageable, there was a problem of widespread corruption
which, at the outset of the crisis, introduced a political
dimension to management of the crisis. The crisis brought about a
large drop in private consumption and a sharp increase in the
incidence of poverty.
As seen from the perspective of the authorities, the IMF was to
perform a dual role during the crisis: provide backing and
signaling to the markets and to be used by policymakers as the
justification for the passing of tough reforms. In her view,
however, an overly ambitious structural program ultimately
undermined its own credibility, resulting in a loss of confidence
rather than a gain in it. The sharp depreciation of the
currency—much larger than would have been the case in the event
that confidence had been quickly restored—caused widespread
defaults in the corporate sector. The closure of 15 banks
precipitated, in the absence of a system of deposit insurance,
panic in the domestic financial markets. Ms Goeltom thought that
more important than the size of the IMF package itself was
whether the program was focused on the handful of really
important problem areas where success was essential, if
confidence was to be restored. She thus argued for programs that
were pragmatic in design, deliverable in terms of implementation
and opportune in timing. She would favor a larger role for
mechanisms of regional cooperation, such as those existing in the
EU, as an effective mechanism to deal with the confidence issue.
Richard Portes thought that the United States would remain
opposed to regional monetary arrangements because they would
diminish its influence in the IMF.
Crises Management
Roubini provided a compelling synthesis of some of the key issues
affecting emerging market crises and the international
community’s response to them. He asked whether the crises of the
last 10 years were an aberration, noting that the last one had
taken place in Brazil in 2002. The improvements recently seen in
the macroeconomic environment—globally and in the emerging
markets themselves—could change, however. Already average levels
of public debt in emerging markets were around 70 percent of GDP,
worryingly high and virtually assuring future crises. Indeed,
changes in the level and structure of emerging market debt
(maturity, currency of denomination) would keep many of these
countries vulnerable, although it was also certain that some
countries would gradually “graduate to credibility.” In light of
this, a legitimate question to ask was whether the IMF needed
more funds. Roubini thought no, but that it was necessary to use
existing funds more efficiently. This was desirable, not just to
reduce the number of large debtors to the Fund absorbing an
inordinate share of its resources, but also as a precautionary
measure, to have an adequate cushion of resources available in
the event that crises in places like China and India might
require an international response. A similar response in these
countries to the assistance provided to Mexico in the mid-1990s
might call for packages of some US$150-250 billion, clearly well
beyond the scope of resources available to the Fund at this time.
He noted that there were already in place restructuring
mechanisms for sovereigns facing unsustainable debt burdens. In
many cases debt restructuring would be the most realistic way
out. Indeed, we should not shy away from a laisser faire
approach to crisis resolution; in Argentina there may be no
practical alternative to the authorities sitting down with their
creditors and hammering a deal out. Too much emphasis, in any
event, had been placed on sovereign debt restructuring when,
often, the problem was to be found elsewhere—for instance in a
weak and undercapitalized banking system. The problem, in his
view, was that countries like Brazil, Turkey, and Argentina,
already highly indebted, had received IMF lending mainly for
expenditure support, potentially aggravating the problem down the
road. Roubini regretted the ad hoc approach to crisis management
seen over the past decade. A 25 percent GDP drop in Argentina was
not necessary—it reflected bad use of IMF resources, a confusion
of the role of the IMF in liquidity crises (when lending was
warranted) with that involving cases of insolvency of the state,
when debt restructuring was the desired course of action.
Access limits, signaling, and the role of the Fund
These inefficiencies notwithstanding, Roubini thought that an
active IMF/G7 support in future crises was inevitable and, in
this respect, argued that the 300 percent of quota IMF access
limits were too low—the constant need to break them in recent
financial market meltdowns had undermined the organization’s
credibility. Mahmood Pradhan echoed this view, suggesting that it
was not advisable for the IMF to be constrained in times of
crises. In his view, however, most large programs in recent years
(Turkey, Argentina, others) had not involved countries posing
systemic risks to the international financial system. It was thus
necessary for the Fund to better justify exceptional access
limits—the lack of clarity in this area was self-evident and
added a degree of adhockery to management of emerging market
crises. Doris Grimm thought that greater Fund clarity on access
would be helpful to the market in the event of emerging market
Mark Allen agreed that the Fund should not lend to unsustainable
debt cases. However, there were cases when “we simply did not
know.” Crises often did not have a balance of payments origin, in
the traditional sense of the term. Should the Fund have left
Uruguay and Turkey “to their own devices”, particularly at a time
when G7 statements had signaled that the IMF would remain the
only channel of official emerging market lending? He conjectured
that the answer to this question was not that simple. For his
part Alexander Swoboda pointed out that in the midst of all this
discussion about highly indebted countries, massive bailouts and
moral hazard, one should remember that there was still a place
for “small” country programs to tide countries over in the
traditional balance of payments support of the past, as per the
Fund’s original mandate.
Jack Boorman noted that the IMF’s access limits were a
“political” heritage from the past—they have little to do with
the realities of the present world. Would it not be dangerous to
tie our hands by a rigid interpretation of these limits? Was the
linking of these to quotas still relevant as a concept and, if
so, what was the right size? More generally, what was the role of
the Fund in times of crises? Beyond providing finance, was it
mainly that of technical advisor to countries, or a signaler
vis-ą-vis the markets? In his presentation Kees van Dijkhuizen
made a distinction between IMF surveillance, which he regarded as
a form of “light” signaling (multidimensional, no Fund resources
on the line, low frequency, Article IV reports not endorsed by
the Board) and IMF programs, which could be seen as a form of
“strong” signaling (clear and unambiguous, backed by Fund
resources, albeit with a number of drawbacks, such as their
tendency to add to the debt burden, to be perceived by countries
as intrusive). He argued that an intermediate approach (or
solution to this quandary) might be increased used of
precautionary arrangements, involving upper tranche
conditionality, Board endorsement, Fund resources (potentially
but not necessarily), and a largely favorable historical track
Allen thought that there was a much better understanding of the
“mechanisms of crises” at the IMF than in 1997. Yes, the IMF had
failed miserably in Russia and in Argentina. There was increasing
concern at the IMF Board about overexposure to certain countries.
There had been, undoubtedly, too much funding of crises and not
enough effort expended in preventing them. The CCL had been an
early attempt to adapt the Fund to the role of crisis manager,
but countries had been unwilling “to put their fates in the hands
of the Fund” and the possibility of international stigma
associated with access to the facility. The high qualification
standards, combined with the large voting power necessary to keep
the facility operational had led to its early death. The Fund had
recently ventured into so-called non-borrowing programs, wryly
characterized by some as providing “all the benefits of Fund
conditionality without the burden of funding.” There was also
some on-going thinking about the structure of precautionary
arrangements, in particular the nature of their underlying
conditionality. On Boorman’s point about the Fund’s role as
signaler, Allen thought that there was a conflict of interest
between the signaling and the lending role of the Fund. Signaling
should be a by-product of other activities of the Fund, not an
end in itself; the Fund remained a cooperative insurance
mechanism. Allen thought the Fund was at its most effective when
it acted through persuasion rather than the threat of punishment.
Brouwer made a number of interesting
points concerning aspects of crises resolution, reforms
undertaken, and contingency planning. He thought that the move,
in the past decade, to excessive reliance on large packages of
official support had contributed to heighten the risks of moral
hazard, something that called for a return to more cautious
lending policies. This was particularly the case in light of the
mixed results associated to large scale official rescue packages,
with many of the recipient countries nowhere near regaining
market access and thus likely to remain IMF clients for the
foreseeable future. Indeed, these developments had raised
questions about the financial position of the Fund and
substantially undermined its leverage vis-ą-vis its borrowers,
which, unlike the 1970s, were no longer large, solvent,
industrial countries. Brouwer saw virtue in more thorough debt
sustainability analysis to settle the issue of whether the Fund
faced a liquidity crisis or insolvency on the part of the state,
a critical judgment in helping determine the role that the Fund
was to play in a particular crisis. In this regard, he thought
that there was much value in the design of alternative strategies
for a given country, in the event that the evolving situation
suggested that what appeared, ex-ante, as a liquidity crisis
turned out, ex-post, to have been a solvency crisis. This would
led to better crisis management overall, but would also tend to
reduce Fund exposure.
The IMF’s financial position
John Chambers spoke about the
financial strength of the IMF, saying, in essence, that it is
strong. In addition to its credit portfolio, Fund assets include
10 percent of the world’s official gold holdings, which it cannot
sell. It also has access to a potential pool of some SDR 34
billion under the GAB (General Agreement to Borrow) and the NGAB.
At present, there are four member countries whose debts exceed
the Fund’s “precautionary balances.” There is a credible plan in
place to raise these to SDR 10 billion by 2010, a figure intended
“to insulate its income statements from adverse credit
performance.” A larger figure would “enhance the IMF’s ability to
provide exceptional financing to its larger members in the
developing world.” Chambers thought that the IMF should not lend
to a single country more than its precautionary balances.
Nevertheless, the Fund’s one-year forward commitment capacity was
now some SDR 58 billion, compared to SDR 20 billion after the
Asian crises. Adding flexibility to management of the Fund’s
financial position was the fact that it could change its interest
rates at will (“burden sharing”) and could, thus, for instance,
sustain an Argentina default.
Issues in IMF governance
James Haley focused attention on the
consensual nature of the IMF—a cooperative institution between
sovereign states in which each felt the need to gain something
through active participation. It was increasingly evident,
however, that the governance structures that were appropriate in
1944, at the outset of the institution’s creation, were no longer
valid today. Its
quota structure was no longer consistent with its lender of last
resort role, which had acquired prominence in recent years, at a
time when the institution had moved to having permanent
debtors in its balance sheet. He noted that in a world of wild
capital movements, there would be issues of credibility, access,
predictability and that the IMF would remain the focus of much
public attention in the context of future crises management.
However, the recent accumulation of reserves in Asian countries
may very well reflect fears that the “Insurance Co IMF had
changed the terms of the contract” and that, henceforward,
countries would do better to fend for themselves. Ms Goeltom’s
earlier remarks reflected this lingering sense of frustration
with the role played by the Fund in its role as crisis
There was a lively discussion—started by Boorman—on the issue of
whether the funding of the IMF’s administrative expenditures by
the spread it charges on its lending operations was a sensible
approach. As currently structured,
the salaries of the Fund’s managing director and of its entire
staff (as well as other administrative expenditures) are financed
by the interest paid by tax-payers in Argentina, Turkey, Russia
and other users of Fund resources. Whereas IMF lending operations
have no budgetary implications for members such as the US and the
EU; (indeed they earn a return on their SDR reserve assets); a
country such as Russia, by contrast, has paid, since August 1998,
well over $3 billion in interest charges on previous Fund loans.
In the view of many, particularly in the developing countries,
such a circumstance alone might go some way to counter the
existing notion that, because the large shareholders “contribute”
more to the organization, they are in some manner entitled to
oversee its operation as well (including, in the case of the EU,
the appointment of the Fund’s managing director), particularly since they have already the largest voting
shares at the IMF Board.
In his discussion of the
international and domestic politics of IMF programs James
Vreeland made a number of interesting points. First, in the issue
of whether there is evidence of systematic use of the IMF by the
US for foreign policy purposes, the evidence suggested that
countries that voted in the United Nations along the US had
higher likelihood of US support in IMF programs. Second, the more
a country received US aid, the more lenient the IMF was likely to
be on program implementation. Both of these, in Vreeland’s view,
undermined the credibility of conditionality since there was
evidence that conditionality actually had some effect in
countries not usually allied with the US and where there was
partial ownership of programs. He also suggested that there was
no credible evidence that entering into IMF programs played a
catalytic role in terms of private sector financial
involvement—in fact the reverse was more likely true.